The problem – Some housing trust properties of about 15 years of age fitted with standard efficiency boilers. The systems have never been wired up correctly as the pumps and a permanent live supply should have been connected directly to the boilers. This has made overheat lock outs an ongoing problem. The systems also suffer from too little static head due to the cold feed and vent pipe arrangement in the airing cupboard. This results in air being drawn into the system causing corrosion, system noise, sludge, and short life for the pumps.
The solution – Drain off and chemically flush out the systems. Supply & fit new band A high efficiency boilers, heat only modern equivalents. We chose the Glow-worm ‘Flexicom’ 12hx as they have a rear flue option and suited the client’s budget for this scheme. We also fitted new system controls by Honeywell. The systems were rewired correctly to Honeywell Y-plan scheme with permanent live supply to boiler and the pump wired directly to boiler. The pipework in airing cupboard was also rectified to stop air ingress.
The result is cheaper fuel bills for the tenant and less breakdowns for the client.
The solution – Drain off and chemically flush out the systems. Supply & fit new band A high efficiency boilers, heat only modern equivalents. We chose the Glow-worm ‘Flexicom’ 12hx as they have a rear flue option and suited the client’s budget for this scheme. We also fitted new system controls by Honeywell. The systems were rewired correctly to Honeywell Y-plan scheme with permanent live supply to boiler and the pump wired directly to boiler. The pipework in airing cupboard was also rectified to stop air ingress.
The result is cheaper fuel bills for the tenant and less breakdowns for the client.
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