Instead we used a product called 'Groundbreaker' developed for these very situations.
Our first job was to drill a 100mm hole through the wall using a diamond core bit. We first started using these diamond cores about twenty five years ago. You can buy a full set now in a case for what we were paying for a single bit back then. They have come right down in price but there are some poor quality ones out there that don't last. They might be OK for the DIY man but won't stand the rigors of trade use.
Once drilled a wall sleeve is fitted, then a ribbed duct pipe with 90mm insulation. The back plate is then fixed to the wall. A 'hockey stick' type pre formed piece of M.D.P.E. pipe is then fitted through the wall.
The back plate has a two piece insulation panel the covers the pipe. In this photo the top piece hasn't been fitted for illustration purposes.
Due to the entry height in this factory we've had to join together two ducts to give full coverage. The duct should idealy go to the bottom of the trench in which the pipe is layed. This isn't possible here due to the type of foundations so insulation has to be fitted to the pipe between the base of the trench and the start of the duct.
As Water Industry Approved Plumbers we are always happy to advise on matters like this and interested in quoting for any such water main related work.